I know that a lot of the criticism is that this movie didn't get down and dirty enough. Alzheimers is a horrible thing for the survivors to deal with. Perhaps it can only truly by dealt with in documentary form. Julianne Moore is utterly amazing and anyone who says this film isn't well researched did not read about her approach. Yes, there are things that could have been shown to make it even more frightening. We could have seen specific bodily functions affected. We could have seen more irrationality and pain. But it needs to be accessible. I believe if we are watching a fictional account, this is very well done.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I have a sister in law at age 66 with end stage ALZ and I myself have stage 4 terminal brain cancer at age 62. I haven't been able to adequately and satisfactorily articulate the effect of loss of memory as well as this movie did. I have lost everything, but I have memories that bubble to the surface that keep me going. Life is not about stuff. Life is animating memories.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Still Alice is a realistic and emotional story of a woman living with Alzheimer's disease. Julianne Moore successfully shows the struggle, confusion, anger, pain and isolation of having such a disease through her incredible performance. She allows the audience to see what having Alzheimer's could possibly be like. This film also has an amazing screenplay, a screenplay that is raw and honest. There is also a great ensemble performance from the cast, featuring Alec Baldwin as the supportive and loving husband. The movie definitely makes the viewer think deeply about aspects of life such as memories, family, loss and bewilderment which are all addressed in Still Alice. See this film for a moving story, but mostly for Moore's miraculous performance. It wouldn't be a surprise if she won Best Actress in the upcoming Academy Awards.